In Presto, you can ask the following types of questions:

Multiple Choice - Single Select (radio button)

To create a multiple choice question that allows only one response (displayed as a radio button selection), select Multiple Choice as the question type.  

Multiple Choice questions are scored: each answer option has a score that is calculated in the survey results. By default, the answer options are set to Yes (1 point) and No (0 points), but you can set any answer options and score values you want. 

You can enter as many answer options as you want, by clicking the + icon below the last answer option.

Multiple Choice - Single Select (checkboxes)

To create a multiple choice question that allows multiple responses (displayed as checkboxes):

  1. Select Multiple Choice as the question type.
  2. Select Checkboxes from the Display as dropdown menu.
  3. Check Allow Multiple Responses.
  4. (optional) Select a minimum and/or maximum number of responses (checkboxes checked).  If selected, anyone completing the survey is required to enter at least the minimum and at most the maximum number of responses.

Multiple Choice - Single or Multiple Select (dropdown menu)

To create a multiple choice question that allows only one response (displayed as a drop-down menu):

  1. Select Multiple Choice as the question type.
  2. Select Dropdown from the Display as dropdown menu.
  3. (optional) Check Allow Multiple Responses if you want to allow evaluators to select multiple responses from the drop-down menu.  Think carefully before choosing this option - many people assume that they can only select a single option from a drop-down menu.


A slider question allows the evaluator to select an answer option using a slider.  To create a slider question:

  1. Select Multiple Choice as the question type.
  2. Select Slider from the Display as menu.

Some notes about using slider questions:

  • Not all answer options are displayed.  Presto displays the first and last answer option (the endpoints of the slider), and the middle answer option if there are is an odd number of answer options.  
  • The selected answer option is displayed above the slider (in lighter text).
  • Keep answer options short on slider questions!  Wordy answer options may overflow and questions with many answer options are harder to use on smaller screens.

MC: Smileys

This is a multiple choice question where the evaluator selects a picture of a face for their answer. You can choose to display between 2 and 5 smileys, and the display order (happiest to saddest or saddest to happiest).

MC: Smileys questions are scored: the most negative smiley is 1 point, the next most negative is 2, etc. The score is expressed in terms of the maximum possible: for example, 1/2 would mean that two smileys were displayed and the leftmost (most negative) smiley was selected.


Text questions take a free-form text answer. Use text questions to get opinions, impressions and any information that you can't get in a closed-ended question. Text questions are not scored but are reported in the Text Summary report.


A number question accepts a numeric input. You can set minimum and maximum values for acceptable input, and also specify the number of decimal places. Number questions are reported on the Survey Summary report (average, minimum and maximum value).

Picture upload

A picture upload question asks your evaluators to upload a picture (of a sign, product, exterior of your business, etc.). Picture uploads are not scored.

Photo upload questions can be configured with the following options or flags:

  • Display image "markup" button: this feature adds a Markup button to the question, which can be visible to either shoppers or editors. Clicking the Markup button allows the shopper or editor to highlight areas of the uploaded photo. There is an undo button while the photo is being marked up, but once the photo is saved, it is not possible to revert to the original (un-marked-up) version of the image.
  • Contains Personally Identifiable Information: this checkbox should be checked any time you have survey questions that ask the shopper to disclose personally identifiable information. This includes:
    • Any information that directly identifies the shopper.  Examples include but are not limited to: name and address, social security number (SSN), passport number, driver's license number, or an ID or customer number if the customer record is not fully anonymized.
    • Biometric information such as a photograph, especially including face
    • Information that when combined with other information like that listed above which can then be used collaboratively to identify a specific individual (for example, date of birth, place of birth, employment information, demographic information)
  • Minimum and maximum size. By default, Presto resizes uploaded photos so that they are 800 pixels in the larger dimension (for example, an image that is 4032x3024 pixels would be resized to 800x600 pixels).  This is adequate for most photos (of a building or a store display, for example), but if needed, a photo upload question can be configured to required a larger minimum image size.  If this is done, any photos that are smaller than this size will be rejected.  For this reason, this option cannot be configured when any shops are in progress or awaiting review, since the increased size will cause already uploaded photos to be rejected.  Please note that bigger is not necessarily better! Increasing image resolution will not compensate for issues such as low light, low contrast, camera shake, dirty or obscured lens, etc. This option must be configured by our support team.


A date question provides the evaluator with a date picker and allows them to select a date. Date questions are not scored.

Date questions are usually presented as a calendar, but can be presented as a wheel date picker instead.  If you would like to have this option for one of your surveys, please contact our support department.

Time of Day

A time of day question provides the evaluator with a time picker and allows them to select a time. Time of day questions are not scored.


Header questions aren't really questions at all -- instead they allow you to add explanatory text and section headers to your survey. The evaluator only sees the text of the header "question", with no prompt for input.


Signature questions are a special type of image questions. Instead of using the mobile device's camera or image picker to get an image, the Signature question type allows you to enter input in the question's input field, using the mobile device's touch screen.

WARNING: Signature questions are not supported on Internet Explorer version 8. An evaluator using Internet Explorer 8 will not be able to load a survey that contains a signature question.


Calculation questions perform a calculation on the answers to two or more other questions.  Calculation questions can:

  • Add, subtract, multiply, divide or average the answers to two or more number questions
  • Calculate the duration (in seconds) between two timestamp questions

Linked Survey 

Linked survey questions allow you to link to another survey (called a child survey).  The evaluator clicks on the linked survey question in the parent survey, as shown below, to go to the linked survey and complete its questions.  

Linked Survey questions are only available in Presto Insta-Shops.