Presto has a server (the Guideline Manager) that can be used by mystery shopping companies to upload PDF documents for use by shoppers. These documents can be shop guidelines as well as any supplementary material needed by shoppers (for example, letters of authorization). Once a document has been uploaded, you will have a link that you can use in shop guidelines, in surveys and elsewhere to make the document available to shoppers.
Only pdfs are supported. Images and other document formats are not supported.
Access to the Guideline Manager is by permission. All PPP accounts have this permission. If you wish other members of your staff to have access to the Guideline Manager, please contact our helpdesk with the email addresses of those staff members who should have the permission. These users must have a verified Insta-Shopper account.
How to use the Guideline Manager
To access the Guideline Manager, go to Setup -> Guidelines. You will see a screen like the one below:
If your company already had guidelines that were previously uploaded by Presto Support, you will see them here.
IMPORTANT: Select the correct client company in the nav bar. This is the client company that these guidelines will be associated with.
Click New Guideline Document to upload a new guideline document:
Enter a title for your guideline document. This will be displayed in the Guideline Manager. Click the PDF input box and browse to find the PDF document that you want to upload, then click Submit.
Once your guideline document has been uploaded, you will see it listed as shown below. You can:
- Edit the guideline (change the title or upload a new PDF)
- Copy the link
- Click to view the guidelines in a PDF viewer
IMPORTANT: if you want to make changes to guidelines, you should always UPDATE the existing guidelines as shown below. Doing this allows you to use the same link that has already been distributed to shoppers, added to surveys and qualifications, etc. If you simply create a new guideline document, it will have a different link, and you will need to change all references to this document.
Using Guideline Manager links
Once you have uploaded your guidelines and have a link, you can embed this link in the batch guidelines or within the survey using a BBCode URL tag. The syntax for this tag is:
[url=<link>]link text[/url]
For example, if the link is: would enter the following (substituting any text you want for "Click here"):
[url=]Click here[/url] to view the guidelines
Shoppers would see the following:
Click here to view the guidelines